Monday, September 8, 2014

Bringing Paris Back to the USA

It can be difficult coming off the vacation high and back to reality. Especially when the day to day things that you enjoyed while on vacation, may not be readily available in North America.

Espresso: Everywhere in Paris served espresso, from the Opera to the Metro station to of course, restaurants. To remedy our espresso withdrawal, as soon as we arrived home we bought a Nespresso machine with our Target gift cards we received from our wedding. We were able to try the 14 trial espresso flavors that came standard with the machine, and decided on our top five: 1. Dulsao do Brasil 2. Volluto 3. Roma 4. Fortissio Lungo 5. Cosi
Croissants: To get our croissant fix, it was not as easy as logging onto Instead, we had to actually make the croissants and I did not know this before, but they take two days! The effort really is worth it because when they come out of the oven they flake apart and the butter is present in each and every bite!
Drinks: This is a easiest of the three! Hemingway and his pals enjoyed sipping on Pernod. Of course this means that Dylan enjoys this a lot as well. This aperitif can be found at most local liquor stores and some grocery stores. One of my favorites was Kir, which is easy to replicate in the US. Kir is white wine with a splash crème de cassis. For a Kir Royal, the fancy version, you replace the white wine for sparkling white!

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